četrtek, 14. junij 2018

Let the race begin

Bele superge so passé, pa ne mislim s tem letošnjega trenda, ker so še vedno in, ampak jaz kot fantovska mama jih bom z Valom malo postavila nazaj v omaro. Na varno.

Zato bo letošnja pomlad/poletje zame malo manj fancy (beri: v malo bolj zemeljskih tonih), sploh ker je blata v Keniji v izobilju oz se rdeča zemlja še kako rada namaže na bele superge. Dvoletniki se zares radi zabavajo v lužah, blatu, s peskom, kamni in podobnimi materiali.

Če sem sem prej izogibala na veliko gradbišč, saj so me izžvižgali in prebadali s pogledi, je sedaj zgodba drugačna. Mame fantov sigurno postajamo ob gradbiščih in poznamo vsak bager, buldožer in valjar, kje je kaj in sestavne dele vseh teh mašinerij, in teh glomaznih vozil naokoli.

Spomnim se trenutka, ko smo se s prijateljicami peljale v avtu, in ko sem zagledala bager ob cesti, sem že imela na koncu jezika: "Uaaaaaau, lej ga bager", pa sem se začela samo smejat, ker sem se takoj zavedala situacije, v kateri bagri pač ne naredijo teh uau efektov, hehe.

Komaj so odgnali zvončki, in je pokukalo prvo spomladansko sonce, že sem prala sto na uro in Val trgal hlače.

Brez obstanka sem jaz, saj lovim vsak sončni žarek, in enak je tudi moj otrok.
Vse igralnice sva prečesala v tem predolgem zimskem času, in obiskala vse možne obiske, povabila ogromno Valovih prijateljčkov na igralne urice k nam domov...
Ko pa se pokaže sonček zunaj, takrat pa je potrebno nujno ven na zrak.
In kaj je lepšega, kot biti zunaj na sončku, in opazovati svojega mulčka, kako dirka gor in dol po ulici, pade, se pobere in šiba naprej z novim poganjalčkom Cruzee.
Najboljše pa je, da so to zdaj hitri premiki in greva lahko dejansko tudi na sprehod oz nekam dlje od doma, jaz peš in bolj kot ne v teku in dretju: "Vaaaaal, ustavi se, paziii, neeee tam je cesta"... In ko ga poprime slaba volja in se on seveda nebi več vozil, Cruzze-a lahko res z lahkoto nosiš, saj ima le 1,9 kg, ker je iz aluminija. Tudi v prtljago gre z lahkoto in tako ga imamo tudi v Keniji. Sedaj sem tudi v lovu za luštnimi našitki za na kolena, in naš pralni stroj je poln še bolj pogosto.
Potiho sem se vsega tega zavedala že takoj, ko so mi na pregledu potrdili mojo domnevo, da pod srčkom nosim sinčka.

Sicer se pa res ne smem pritoževat, saj moj sin poskrbi za dnevno dozo moje telesne vadbe, če ne drugače ko trmari, je treba vseh 15 kg premakniti iz točke A na B, kar je kar "fajn" telovadba, še posebej če zraven še krili z vsemi štirimi, in moram nesti še njegovo opremo, potem je to res cel trening.


White sneakers are out, and I am not talking about this year's trend because they are still trendy, but as a boy mom, I will put them back in the closet. At least when I'm with Val. 

That's why this spring/summer will be a bit less clean for me (read: in a little more earthy tones), because the mud here in Kenya is abundant and the red soil really likes to rub on white sneakers. The two-year-olds really like to enjoy themselves in mud, sand, stones and similar materials. 

Before, I had avoided a lot of construction sites, as I was aroused and pierced with views, now the story is different. The boy moms are surely stopping by every construction sites and we know every excavator, bulldozer and roller, and all the components of all these machines, and these bulky vehicles around.

Now I see those machines everywhere. I remember the moment when we drove with my girlfriends in the car, and when I saw an excavator on the road, I already had at the end of the tongue: "Woooow, it's an excavator," and I just started laughing because I was immediately aware of the situation, in which excavators do not make these wow effects, hehe.

In this too long winter we've visited all the playgrounds, and all possible friends, invited Val's friends to play games to our home.. And we were going crazy.

I'm hunting every ray of the sun, and my child is the same, we just have to be outdoors. When the sun appears outside, then it is necessary for us to get outside.
When the snowdrops bloomed away, and the first spring sun showed, I was already washing clothes like crazy and Val has torning his trousers.

And what's more beautiful than being outside on the sunshine, and watching your little kiddo, racing up and down the street, dropping, picking up and moving forward with the new Cruzee balance bike.

The best thing is that this is now we can do a rapid move and we can actually go for a walk or somehow further away from home, I am on foot and more or less jelling after him: "Vaaaaal, stop, watch out there are cars there" ... And when he is in a bad mood and of course he doesn't want to drive his bike anymore, Cruzze is really easy to carry, it's super light and it has only 1.9 kg as it's made of aluminum. It's easy to carry it in a luggage, and now we have it in Kenya too. Now, I'm also hunting for cute knee patches, and our washing machine is full even more often.

I quietly knew all this already as soon as the doctor confirmed my assumption that I carried a baby boy under my heart.

Otherwise, I really can't complain, because my son takes care of the daily dose of my physical exercise, if not otherwise, it is necessary to move all 15 kg from point A to B, which is a "fancy" gym, especially if he's resisting and fighting with both legs and arms, and I need to carry all his equipment, then that's really the whole training.

Photos: Mateja Tamše
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